Ali El Adou

Ali El Adou

Head of Asset Management
Daman Investments


Ali El Adou is a seasoned investment manager with more than 20 years of extensive experience in the MENA and Emerging capital markets. Ali has a proven track record in managing both long only and absolute return strategies within Equities and Fixed Income space.

At Daman Investments, Ali heads the asset management division where he manages USD 740 Million of Assets Under Management.

Prior to joining Daman, Ali was the lead Fund Manager at The National Investor for 12 years managing mutual funds, as well as segregated discretionary accounts on behalf of regional and international institutional investors.

He holds an MBA from Duke University and a Bachelor’s degree in Banking Finance.

Events Associated With:

MEIS Oct'2022

Participated as Panelist
on Roadmap to Making Middle East the Knowledge and Investment Capital of the World – Gulf Institutional Investors Panel
With Rachel Pether as Moderator