Alexandra Ammann

Alexandra Ammann

Senior Portfolio Manager
Diamond Capital


Alexandra Ammann joined Diamond Capital in 2016 as a Senior Portfolio Manager and is a:

– Investment Advisory and Discretionary Portfolio Management for HNWI
– Member of the Investment Committee for The Private Clients and The Principal Family

She has over 20 years of experience in corporate finance, M&A, capital markets, wealth and asset management, having worked in large investment banks in London, Paris, Frankfurt and is now based in Geneva, Switzerland.

She graduated in Business Administration, Economics, Law and Social Sciences from University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, with a masters in Finance and Accounting.

Events Associated With:

MEIS Oct'2022

Participated as Panelist
on A Broader Investment Perspective Through the Lens of European Investors – European Investors Panel
With Sasha Lund as Moderator