Dominic Longman

Senior Executive Officer
Binance (AD) Ltd


Dominic Longman is a Senior Executive Officer at Binance in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

As an internationally experienced financial services leader with a 25-year track record in both crypto start-ups and institutional entities, Dominic has been deepening his expertise in the geo-political implications of blockchain technology on future financial infrastructure for the past 10 years, a topic he is passionate about.

At Binance, Dominic is responsible for leading and growing the operation of regulated business here in Abu Dhabi with our institutionally-focused Custody and Broker Dealer services.

Events Associated With:

MEIS Oct'2022

Participated as Panelist
on Crypto Panel – Unlocking the Financial Transformation in the Web 3.0 Era: DeFi, Blockchain and CBDC
With Rachel Pether as Moderator